The first phase of cooperation between NAECCS and SEI is successfully completed

The final meeting of the first phase of the cooperation project of NAECCS and Software Engineering Institute (SEI) took place today, with a focus on the establishment of the National and Sectoral Cyber Incident Monitoring Center. Under the direction of the head of NAECCS Mr. Igli Tafa, the representatives of SEI held consultation meetings with the responsible staff of operators of critical information infrastructures, such as the government, energy, financial and State Police sectors, in order to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in each sector, in terms of cyber security in critical information infrastructures.

In his speech, the General Director of NAECCS stated that: “The fulfillment of the Authority’s new strategic vision requires not only the implementation of advanced technologies, but also the cooperation of all sectors in order to build a sustainable ecosystem and cyber security at the national level. We know we can’t do this alone! For this purpose, NAECCS, in fulfilling its functional tasks, is working closely with important international partners, to promote safer communications and to share information on cyber threats in real time.

Together, we can build a safer digital environment for our country!

Meeting with representatives of the Institute for Security Governance/ US delegation